Frieze Los Angeles reveals that L.A. has become one of the world’s great art centers.
Open Access Code Breakers
If standards can be established across industries for language and emojis, books and music — it can be done in the realm of cultural heritage and the visual arts.
Designing a Culture of Innovation in the Arts
A rapidly changing world has inspired cultural institutions to adopt innovative technologies long overdue, especially in such a design centric industry.
#Museumfromhome—Collection Images in the COVID Moment
Précis: As museums close their physical spaces due to the mandate of social distancing, their digital collections take on unprecedented importance: sustaining their audience engagement, enabling ongoing scholarship, and inspiring all of us to #museumfromhome. Might the full digitization of a museum’s permanent collection be a worthy priority going forward?—a means of virtual art conservation […]
COVID-19 Museum Mandate
If records cannot be accessed or shared online, the very mission of the museum is at risk. This is a moment for museum professionals to enter new arenas and test digital tools that transform and improve how they work.