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Artist Spotlight

Sally King McBride
…a New York City-based artist and illustrator, and the founder of The Letter Nest. My work can be characterized by a sense of formality—born of ten years working at the Metropolitan Museum of Art; a sense of whimsy—a result of my love for the surprising, the joyful, and the miniature; and a mark of precision—a symptom of my [as yet unfulfilled!] dream of becoming an architect. This website is a select portfolio of my work.
My training includes fine art and art history at Brown University, Columbia University, RISD, the School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, and St. Mark’s School, where a particularly influential teacher officiated my 2002 wedding to watercolor. My creations include commissions for private and institutional clients alike: landscapes, house portraits, wedding invitations, birth announcements, and alphabet paintings for children.
Sally is one of the latest recipients of the Tory Burch Fellows Program, which empowers women entrepreneurs via a year-long program to help them lead, grow and scale their business.
Featured Work
We commissioned Sally to create illustrations for our application, MONA, to provide placeholder images for objects and artists when one is unavailable in a collection.

Object Placeholder